West Tennessee ENT Clinic in Jackson, TN, can be reached at 731-424-3682 today to learn more.
Scan times range from 10-30 seconds and include protocols for pediatric patients. A high resolution, digitally versatile CT image is then immediately available on the computer monitor.
Balloon sinuplasty gently opens your sinus to restore normal drainage. Because it is a gentle procedure, recovery is quick, with most patients resuming normal activities the next day.
ClariFix Cryotherapy is a treatment that utilizes cold temperatures to stop the source of chronic rhinitis symptoms.
Phone: 731-424-3682
Appointments: 800-372-8394
Insurance Dept: 731-424-3709
Fax: 731-423-2714
Email: info@wtent.com
Address: 619 Skyline Dr, Jackson, TN 38301